On September 25, the daytime activity of the European Performing Science Night (EPSN) took place at the l’Escorxador Cultural Center in Badalona. This included exhibits, interactive experiences, and talks aimed at promoting the values of science and demonstrating the impact and appeal of researchers’ work, to motivate young people to embark on research careers and degrees.
The activity had an interior space and an exterior space. In the outer space of the Cultural Center, a total of 10 tents were set up, through which it was possible to take a tour of the experiments and activities proposed by the research centers participating in the project. With the technologies used in their laboratories, they showed their way of working and some of the results of their research. The young audience was able to interact directly with the researchers and their devices and resolve doubts and concerns about the exposed content.
European Performing Science Day

The daytime activity of the European Performing Science Night
Lectures, short talks and debates
Inside, a stage was set up that featured an uninterrupted program of debates and talks that were broadcast via streaming and are available on YouTube:
– UB| Estereotipos: ¿se pueden cambiar?
– UAB| Trust y el proyecto HELIOS
– UOC| Emergencia climática: discursos y respuestas
– IGTP| El cáncer, células con poderes
– AMU| Convergencia lingüística
– IGTP| Tuberculosis: una enfermedad todavía no erradicada
– MSC Fellows| Conversational brain
– IGTP – VIRIEVAC| Virus en el aire, la sangre y el alma