
Side event: Quantum Art and Uncertainty

Masterclass exploring the intersections between art and science through the perspective of Dr. Paul Thomas. The session will take place on 14 October at 19:00.

TheGATE Festival starts today

Today begins The Gate Festival, an initiative that promotes dialogue between science, art, technology and society.

European Performing Science Program launched

On April 1st, together with the Computer Vision Center, the Institut de Ciències del Mar de Barcelona - CSIC and the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, the European Performing Science Program (EPSP) project, funded by the European Commission under the GA 101162558, was launched.

Opening of Miradas que Comunican

On June 11, the exhibition Miradas que Comunican was inaugurated at the Espacio Fundación Telefónica in Madrid, an exhibition that reviews the history of Telefónica in its centenary.

Web interview and newsletter Barcelona Ciència

We have talked with Barcelona Ciència, who works for the establishment of links between scientific knowledge and citizenship.

The BADAMON.IA exhibition is now open to the public!

BADAMON.IA is an exhibition, the result of the results of a technological and creative experiment around artificial intelligence.

Badalona Comunicació visits Épica

A few days ago Badalona Comunicació visited us at our headquarters to learn about our projects for the coming months.

Welcome Boston University

Yesterday we received a group of international students from the Master in Cultural Management of Boston University.

Creativity: what make us human

Participation of Pep Gatell as a speaker at the Round Table "Creativity: What makes us human", on October 6th, 2023, at the University of Barcelona (UB).

Jornada CreaCultura

Pep Gatell, President of the Fundación Épica takes part in Creacultura Day organized by the Generalitat de Catalunya, Department of Culture.

Affabulazione, Napoli

The Fundación Épica participates in the initiative Affabulazione 2023 with Quartieri dell'Art Festival, promoted by the Comune di Napoli and the Italian Ministry of Culture

“Épica: el llegat de La Fura dels Baus” has received the Local Communication award for the best audiovisual content.

"Èpica: el llegat de La Fura dels Baus" has been awarded as the best audiovisual content of the Local Communication Awards 2023 of the Mercat Audiovisual de Catalunya.

Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union Cultural and Creative Industries event

On July 12th the Foundation will participate in the program of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union Cultural and Creative Industries event organized for the FECYT. The event aims to reflect how CCIs contribute to improve the quality of life of people by creating solutions through Culture and Science.

NTT Data invites us to Innovate & Talk: Let's Open!

Last 27th of June Fran Iglesias, general manager of the Foundation was at NTT Data's headquarters in Barcelona talking about how creativity and technology can drive disruptive innovation.

ANNUAL CONVENTION NEB LAB 2023 – Ecosistema Cultura Sostenible

La Fundación Épica La Fura dels Baus participará el próximo 29 de junio en la conferencia organizada por ESPRONCEDA Center for Art and Culture que dará comienzo al NEB LAB de New European Bauhaus sobre Cultura Sostenible y Emprendimiento de la entidad.

White Paper presentation at Sónar+D

Next Thursday 15th, Pep Gatell will be presenting at Sónar + D the object of the White Paper on the interrelation between Art, Science, Technology and Society in Spain 2023 of the Fundación Española para la Ciencia i Tecnología (FECYT).

La Clau de la Innovació, “Arte en la Era Virtual, ¿Apocalipsis Cultural?”

La Clau de la Innovació is an initiative of Espaitec Parc Cientific Tecnologic of the Universitat Jaume I as an ethical space for reflection among people. On June 14 we will be talking about the intersection of art and technology in the digital age at the round table "Art in the Virtual Age, Cultural Apocalypse?"

Available the documentary "Èpica. El llegat de la Fura dels Baus"

"Èpica. El llegat de la Fura dels Baus" (2020, coproduced by Badalona Comunicació) is available on Youtube.

Kick-off en IMMENSIVA VR/AI Residence

On 8th March last, Épica went to the Espronceda Institute of Arts and Culture facilities to develop a Kick-off session within the framework of IMMENSIVA VR/AI Residence.

Boston University at Épica

Epica hosts, together with Quetx - Ciutat de Badalona, the international students of the Master in Cultural Management of Boston University.


SCENE (Searchable multi-dimensional Data Lakes supporting Cognitive Film Production & Distribution for the Promotion of the European Cultural Heritage), a new project led by CERTH and funded by the European Commission in the framework of HORIZON EUROPE, of which Epica is part.

Épica at BIZBarcelona

On November 9, we presented Épica Foundation at BizBarcelona, a fair that aims to promote business growth, entrepreneurship and employment.

Anticipatory Arts

Pep Gatell, artistic director and co-founder of La Fura dels Baus, and Nadala Fernández, producer of the company, will explain on October 18 at the Cultural Center of Spain in Mexico, the journey and trajectory of La Fura until the creation of Fundación Épica All of this is complemented by the technological tool Kalliópê, the result of research on interactivity in cultural events carried out by the Foundation.

La Tempestad en Casa at the Quartieri dell'Arte Festival

Épica will revive "La Tempestad en Casa" at the Quartieri Dell'Arte Festival (Viterbo, Italia).

Épica in the Council of Foundations of the FECYT

Épica, as a member of the FECYT Council of Foundations, participates in the meeting of entities.

Districts of Creativity, Reverse mission

Épica hosts the first work session of Districts of Creativity - Inverse Mission, organized by ACCIÓ - Generalitat de Catalunya. More than 25 international professionals participated in the session.

Epic at REAL IN Convention

The Foundation team participates in the REAL IN convention and creative Lab, organized by the Espronceda Institute of Arts & Culture. They will be held on May 25 and 26 at the organizer's facilities.

ISE 2022: Performing Arts and Tech

On May 12, 2022, Épica participated in the "Performing Arts & Tech" debate together with Espronceda, Institute of Art & Culture, promoted by the Audiovisual Cluster of Catalonia.

BiblioEscape at the Mobile Week Badalona 2022

Presentation at Mobile Week 2022 in Badalona of the results of the BiblioEscape project, coordinated by the Fundación Épica La Fura dels Baus in collaboration with the Badalona Municipal Library Network and the La Riera de Badalona Institute.

Presentation of the Foundation in the Centre de Lectura de Reus

On March 10, 2022, Pep Gatell and Nadala Fernández will present the Foundation at the Centre de Lectura de Reus, a leading cultural institution in the country. The conference can be followed live on YouTube.

Épica collaborates with the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

On February 17th, the Foundation presented the technological challenges that students from the School of Computer Science will face this semester.

Classes begin for the International Master's Degree in Multimedia Creation for the Performing Arts.

Next Monday, January 17th, classes of the International Master's Degree in Multimedia Creation for the Performing Arts will start at LABA Valencia.

"Èpica. El llegat de La Fura dels Baus" selected for the Film Maudit 2.0 festival

The documentary "Èpica. El llegat de La Fura dels Baus", produced by La Fura dels Baus and Badalona Comunicación, has been selected to participate in the third edition of Film Maudit 2.0, an alternative film festival that will take place between January 12th and 23rd in Los Angeles, California.

Fundación Épica joins Can Grau cooperative initiative

Can Grau/Cardant Cultura is a cooperative space whose mission is to support cultural industries ( through a multipurpose space (hall and residence house) and the offer of resources and activities based on knowledge, networking and dissemination (advice, training, programming).