Third-year Audiovisuals students from BAU, Centro Universitario de Diseño de Barcelona, work for four weeks at Fundación Épica to create a crossmedia performance around the theme The Brain. Through this experience, the students put into practice the knowledge acquired throughout their university education: they design, audio, graphics, scenarios and actions for a performance that wishes to transmit to the spectators the same doubts that the creators have raised. All of this making use of crossmedia elements and, of course, the fundamental furerolanguage in Fundación Épica.
BAU – The Brain

Épica and BAU
The creation process
For the creation of the performance, the students have the Kalliópê application as an essential element: they must guide the public through the space, give them clues throughout the show and make them interact with the events that take place through video and audio messages and text that each viewer will receive directly to their mobile device.
As for the script, research and readings are carried out on the chosen theme, The Brain. After a sharing of ideas, each working group elaborates a part of the argument based on the questions that its members have asked themselves during the preparation of the topic. What are the limits of artificial intelligence? How can a synesthetic experience be transmitted? Is it possible to recreate the effects of a hallucinogenic trip? What attracts and repels the human brain, and how are these reactions triggered?