The first Inter-University Healthy Week in Catalonia is an event organized by the Universitagt de Barcelona, the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, the Universitat Pompeu Fabra and the Universitat de Girona with the collaboration of Devir, the publisher of games from table, with the aim of promoting healthy living through various activities. With the aim of supporting the event, the Foundation organizes two games of questions on healthy living and health habits under the premise that the game is culture. Sessions are held on Thursday, April 8 via Zoom and the Kahoot app:
Thursday April 8, 16 h | An apple a day keeps the doctor away
Thursday April 8, 17 h | Merda, hi ha un cuc a la poma
Juga amb els hàbits saludables

Art and game promoting healthy habits
Kahoot as a participation tool
Kahoot is an application that allows you to participate in question and answer games online, through a specific broadcast. Each question can have up to four answer options. To participate it is necessary to use the mobile or tablet to mark the correct answer. Depending on whether the answer is correct or not, and its speed, more or less points are obtained from the ranking of participants.
Épica proposes a unique staging in which two presenters provide information on healthy living and data on the questions that are the object of the game in a dramatized manner, thus promoting the transfer of knowledge on the subject among the university public.
The 3 winning participants of each of the sessions were awarded games from the Devir publishing house.