The objective of this call is to offer, for a certain period, the communication tool developed by the Foundation, Kalliópê, o those creative and innovative proposals that want to experiment with the integration of this platform, or those projects that seek new ways and opportunities to access to the new audiences through new technologies.
Kalliópê is a set of digital tools used to communicate multimedia content to large audiences, programming interactions with the public by sending multimedia messages on their mobile devices in a segmented / personalized way.
The residence will have a maximum duration of 6 months extendable according to the creative and technical needs of each project, with a maximum of one year, and will culminate with a public, virtual, live exhibition or as a physical-digital combination, of the proposed beneficiary of the residence.
Kalliope Virtual Residence #2

2nd edition of the Kalliope Virtual Residence
The residency came to an end on 31 December 2023, adapting to the calendars and availability of each of the participating collectives. During this period, the residents have been provided with a licence for the technological tool Kalliópê and the necessary support for its implementation and integration in their creative proposals Throughout the months of the residency, on the one hand, general sessions were held with all the groups. On the other hand, individual follow-up meetings were held with each team to find personalised solutions for their projects and to offer the required technical support.
MODALITY 1 – Projects focused on the development of educational and/or cultural activities.
– Team: La Mecànica
– Release date: December 14, 2023
– Functions: 1 premiere and several rehearsals with audiences
– Audience: 80 people
– Team members: Pau Bachero, Jenny Vila, Marc Homar, among others.
– More information: | Instagram: @cia_lamecanica | Twitter: @cia_lamecanica | Facebook: La Mecànica
“Bitxos Raros” is the proposal of the collective La Mecànica. The project has connected a programme of artistic mediation involving teenagers on the island of Mallorca with a process of collective creation. This process has ended with the premiere of an immersive theatrical performance with the provisional title “Odissees” in which Kalliope is used to interact with the performers and the environment itself. The creation of the show has been nourished by the experiences and reflections of the young people with whom they have worked during the year. The project will be continued throughout the year 2024.
La Mecànica is a performing arts production company led by Jenny Vila and Pau Bachero, both with extensive experience in the field of international theatre production and creation. The company, which collaborates with national and international artists around visual and corporal theatre, has been exploring paths and meeting points between citizen participation and artistic creation for 3 years.
Photographs: Luca Rocchi
MODALITY 2 – Projects focused on the development of multidisciplinary creative material.
– Team: David Algar and Javier Mateos
– Release date: December 21, 2023 Sample Show de RESET
– Functions: 4 functions
– Audience: 200 people
– More information:
“RESET”, David Algar y Javier Mateos (Peru, Colombia and Spain), is an audiovisual, immersive and technological show that talks about the dilemma between human beings and their environment, through a journey that the audience will take inside three characters: Body, Mind and Soul.
David Algar has been directing audiovisual projects since 2012. He also works as Art Director and Set Designer for TV, Theatre and Film. Javier Mateos has more than 15 years of experience in Film and TV, working as producer, scriptwriter and director throughout his career. He has participated in the production of some twenty feature films and in renowned show programmes such as “La Voz” and “La Máscara”.
MODALITY 3 – Projects that are part of a research or experimental process.
Un lugar mejor
– Team: LABDRAM, Escritura en Vivo
– Release date: December 15, 2023
– Functions: 1 function
– Audience: 25 people
– Team members: Marcos Xalabarder, Alba Teixidó, Marco Di Tieri, Juan Pablo Fuentes and Danilo Facelli.
– More information: | Instagram: @escrituraenvivo | Facebook: Escritura en vivo
“Un lugar mejor” is the proposal of LABDRAM, Escritura en Vivo. The project seeks to create a fictitious frontier, the border between today’s world and a better place. The experience invites participants to co-create and access this idyllic country. To this end, the creative team defines a series of stages or ‘rooms’ in which the participants, divided into groups, are subjected to different tests: observation, writing, coordination. From the results of the different interactions of the participants through Kalliope, a tool used in this case to collect data in real time, the ‘ideal society’ is created. This was presented to the participants as a conclusion of the experience.
LABDRAM is the theatre research laboratory of the Asociación Escritura en Vivo (ASEV) at the Sala Beckett in Barcelona. With a focus on performative writing since 2019, this multidisciplinary collective explores ethical, linguistic and technological aspects, fusing art and technology to challenge the limits of dramatic expression.
– Team: Randoll Rocafort and Isaac Rovira
– Release date: February 10, 2024
– Functions: 2 functions
– Audience: 16 people
– More information:
“SĒNSUS”, Randoll Rocafort and Isaac Rovira (Puerto Rico and Spain), is an immersive work configured as a sensorial journey through each of the stages of the human life cycle: from the womb to death; a score of performative actions that give rise to suggestive combinations of the (5) senses; a living machine in which each of the attendees is conceived as an essential cog.
Collective formed by the artist, educator and researcher Randoll Rocafort and the designer of multimedia scenic devices and environmentalist Isaac Rovira. Their artistic practice revolves around the various ways in which the performing and performative arts, science and technology can be hybridised. His work has been presented in various festivals, cultural centres, universities and public spaces in America and Europe.
Open Call
Name of the call: Virtual Residence Kalliópê #2
Opening date: December 7
Call: Closed
Residency duration: 6 months
Submission of applications:
Bases of the call
Kalliope Virtual Residence #2