LABA Valencia, School of Arts, Design and New Media organizes the BLABLANIGHTS conference cycle, a free event in which different experts, artists and creatives relevant in the field of design and image, creation and technology are invited to give master classes open to the public and broadcast live.
The objective of the conferences is to disseminate their work, as well as digital trends in different areas of the cultural industries: performing arts, photography, video, music, multimedia and design.
The project is aimed at all audiences and with special attention to the professional audience, students of art, design, photography and video and secondary schools. Pep Gatell, president of the Foundation and artistic director of the Fura dels Baus reviews his artistic career through the research carried out in the fields of technology, music, scenography and lighting. The results of all of them have favored the creation of a singular language, the Furero language as well as the creation of a methodology that through the Foundation, Gatell conceptualizes and applies to all its projects.
The Conference has an audience of more than 200 people connected simultaneously. The content of the masterclass has been available on demand for a month on YouTube and has more than 150 views.
Masterclass in LABA Valencia

Épica and LABA Valencia: first collaborations